
8:00 – 8:50

Registration and breakfast

8:50 – 9:00

Chair’s opening remarks

9:00 – 9:35

Reviewing upcoming regulation on the horizon and potential impact brought

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  • Reviewing if double materiality is financial material
  • Defining the relation between financial materiality and sustainable accounting
  • Defining requirements companies will have in terms of impact
  • Balancing different regulatory frameworks and client expectations across regions
  • Ensuring structure is in place to use all financial information necessary to report out externally
    • Increased reliance on internal reporting systems
  • Gaining new capabilities to report on geospatial analytics which may differ across geographies
  • Pushing talent to understand new regulations as opposed to creating more value for the organization
  • Understanding and implementing SEC rulings for financial institutions
  • Evaluating the differences between financial materiality and double materiality within the EU and US
  • Reviewing tactics for scope 3 reporting and planning ahead.
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Eugenie Schwob, Sustainability Risk, BlackRock

9:35 – 10:20

Reviewing the ISSB corporate disclosure requirements

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  • Balancing regulatory changes on a federal and state level
  • Merging financial and sustainability accounting when reporting to regulators
  • Appropriately reporting on financed emissions
  • Defining metrics that need to be reported on
  • Getting ready for scope three reporting
  • Reviewing ISSB S1 & S2 as they come online
  • Building out climate reporting and measurement
  • Becoming less dependent on finite nature resources
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Ekaterina Grigoryeva, Environment and Social Development Global Head, The World Bank


Morning Refreshment Break and Networking

10:50 – 11:25

Reviewing an anti-ESG world and impact as it weaves into state politics and corporate affairs

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  • Creating a positive impact of sustainable finance objectives through lending and investing
  • Setting the precedent for industry collaboration that has positive outcomes
  • Tackling attacks from consumers or companies when addressing climate goals to reduce a company’s portfolios greenhouse gas emissions
    • Increased fear of rates changing from consumers with these initiatives
  • Reviewing the long-term benefit of collaboration with these initiatives
    • Managing impact to the bottom line in the short term
  • Balancing differing political climates across jurisdictions
  • Pushing forward with sustainable efforts whilst avoiding political backlash
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Eivind Lorgen, Chair Emeritus, Investor Advisory Group, SASB Standards

11:35 – 12:10

Anticipating challenges across sectors and asset classes to meet 2030 targets set

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  • Dealing with repercussions if targets are not met
  • Engaging in fallback programs at a broader institutional level
  • Defining role of offsets and managing dialogue around not hitting targets
    • Financial institutions role in this
  • Accelerating activity for underlying investments where there is influence
  • Setting the next 5-year cycle and understanding what is next
  • Continuing deal pipeline of relatively mature investments in the climate space
  • Responding to standards tightening over time
    • SBTI tightening standards as they went from 2 degrees to 1.5
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Alessia Falsarone, Executive in Residence, Adjunct Faculty, Circular Economy and Sustainable Business, The University of Chicago


Lunch break and networking roundtables

1:10 – 1:55

Developing investable strategies related to asset and company level decarbonisation

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  • Investing in transition related assets given their hybrid nature and different variables
    • Breaking down the model to give correct outcomes
  • Measuring and creating value through decarbonization related projects
    • Creating a pipeline around this
  • Deploying capital and having the right capital stack
    • Organizing this internally
  • Growing transition finance to the buyout stage
  • Developing capital to bring finance projects to scale
  • Having single metrics as ESG ratings
  • Reviewing interface scenarios to plan where capital goes for future investments
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Guillaume Mascotto, SVP, MD of Sustainable Finance, U.S Bank

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

C . Robin Castelli, Quantitative Methods for ESG Finance, Author

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Jennifer Sullo, Co – Founder, Managing Partner, Antheia Capital

1:55 – 2:20

Leveraging investment opportunities in the current and future carbon markets landscape

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  • Reviewing new US government principles for voluntary carbon markets
    • Seeing impacts to different parts of the economy
  • Building towards carbon dioxide removal technology
  • US government buying voluntary carbon credits from the market
  • Building up financial markets for carbon
    • Preparing exchanges, insurance products and risk transfer solutions

2:20 – 2:55

Addressing nature and biodiversity risks whilst keeping costs low

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  • Meeting expectations whilst still making an effort that is meaningful
  • Having a positive impact on biodiversity with lots of resources spent to crunch risk
  • Getting a meaningful assessment of natural capital and biodiversity impacts
  • Analyzing and evaluating natural capital and biodiversity risks more rigorously
  • Reviewing TNFD trends and what should be looked out for
  • Measuring and mitigating methane in a sustainability framework
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Marina Severinovsky, Head of sustainability, North America, Schroders


Afternoon refreshment break and networking

3:25 – 4:00

Preparing for economic impacts and concentration risk brought from climate disruptions

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  • Reviewing impact of climate on insurance, banking and interest rates
  • Increased concentration risk with declining home insurance and increased mortgages in particular regions
  • Underwriting mortgages with loss of property due to climate change
  • Understanding benefits brought when investing in clean energy
  • Adapting to climate change and building resilience programs accordingly
  • Risk planning with physical and climate risks on the rise

4:00 – 4:35

Having big data readily available to be able to develop investment strategies

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  • Addressing expectations of big data assessments and geoprocessing
    • Navigating multivariate expectations around nature and biodiversity risk
  • Balancing increased disclosing requirements with more technology incorporation
    • Having huge amounts of information in systems readily available for this
  • Reviewing evolution of data offerings to help show sustainable objectives are hit in a credible way
  • Leveraging sustainable data to develop investment strategies
  • Using relevant data to develop products and services
  • Assessing companies through sustainability accounting data
  • Having visibility of companies sustainable accounting when investing
    • Reviewing relevant financial material
    • Increased need for sustainable accounting data

4:35 – 5:10

Building new capabilities through AI and technology for sustainable finance

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  • Reviewing AI application and efficiency internally
  • Leveraging AI to help with sustainable finance
  • Understanding current trends around AI
  • Identifying what is available and what may be missing from the market through AI
  • Evaluating advancements that financial institutions are building with AI
  • Reviewing if firms are building capabilities in-house Vs integrating products
  • Leveraging updated software to push security and information threat constraints
  • Figuring out where risks lie in big data sets and AI
  • Incorporating new technology to keep pace with competition
    • Safely implementing AI with additional threats being brought
Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Andy Golub, Market Risk and Capital Management Oversight, First Citizens Bank


Chair’s Closing Remarks


End of day one Networking drinks reception

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Kristen Schneider, Director, Business Strategy and Planning, USAA

Sergey Yeremenko headshot speaking on the FRTB Presentation at CeFPro's Balance Sheet Management Congress

Nita Kohli, Board Advisor & former Global Head of Enterprise Resilience, Citi